Cost-Utility Analysis of Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) of Indacaterol Acetate (IND) Glycopyrronium Bromide (GLY) and Mometasone Furoate (MF) As a Maintenance Treatment in Adult Asthma Patients not Adequately Controlled with a Maintenance Com ...


Mangia PP1, Pradelli L1, Gallo O2, Ritrovato D2, Gupta S3
1AdRes HEOR, Torino, TO, Italy, 2Novartis Farma Italy, Origgio, Italy, 3Novartis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India

OBJECTIVES : To evaluate the cost-utility of FDC of IND/GLY/MF relative to a combination of salmeterol/fluticasone (SF) and tiotropium (Tio) or SF or IND/MF in adult asthma patients, from the Italian Health Service (NHS) perspective.

METHODS : A two-state and four-week cycle Markov model was used to estimate lifetime clinical outcomes and costs. Patients entered the model in stable disease and could experience a non-fatal exacerbation event. The exacerbation rate is dependent upon the therapy a patient is receiving, as per the IND/GLY/MF clinical trials. The impact of each type of exacerbation is accounted by applying a utility decrement, obtained from literature, and a treatment cost. Utility values were obtained from the EQ-5D questionnaires in the IND/GLY/MF clinical trials. Lifetime costs considered in the analysis were drugs and exacerbation management. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were carried out, with the aim of evaluating impact of uncertainty in input parameters.

RESULTS : IND/GLY/MF is associated with higher quality of life (+0.254 QALY) than SF+Tio, with an incremental cost of -€3,213.90. The incremental cost-utility ratio (ICUR) indicates dominance. At a threshold of €5,000 per QALY, IND/GLY/MF has nearly 100% probability of being cost-effective. IND/GLY/MF is associated with higher quality of life (+0.214 QALY) than SF, with an incremental cost of €2,547.76. ICUR results in €11,897 per QALY. At a threshold of €20,000 per QALY, IND/GLY/MF has nearly 100% probability of being cost-effective. IND/GLY/MF is associated with higher quality of life (+0.337 QALY) than IND/MF, with an incremental cost of €4,745.91. ICUR results of €14,088. At a threshold of €20,000 per QALY, IND/GLY/MF has nearly 100% probability of being cost-effective.

CONCLUSIONS : The results indicate that IND/GLY/MF is cost-effective among the considered comparisons in a representative cohort of adult asthma patients in Italy.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2020-11, ISPOR Europe 2020, Milan, Italy

Value in Health, Volume 23, Issue S2 (December 2020)




Economic Evaluation

Topic Subcategory

Cost-comparison, Effectiveness, Utility, Benefit Analysis, Trial-Based Economic Evaluation


Respiratory-Related Disorders

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