Budget IMPACT Modelling for Alemtuzumab in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Colombia


Londono S1, Gomez N2
1Sanofi, Bogota, CUN, Colombia, 2Sanofi, Bogota, Colombia

OBJECTIVES: To determine the budget impact and costs associated to financing alemtuzumab in Colombia for the treatment of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, from a healthcare system perspective.

METHODS: Budget impact model developed from the healthcare system perspective for a 5-years’ time horizon. The two scenarios compared in this study correspond to: 1) Current scenario where the population is treated with natalizumab, ocrelizumab and fingolimod, 2) New market mix where patients are progressively treated with alemtuzumab.

The target population used for the analysis was obtained from national public databases and published literature. Costs included were treatment acquisition, administration and monitoring healthcare resources used, all of them obtained from public databases and resources for year 2019.

Clinical data for healthcare resources required, and disease progression was obtained from published literature. The market share for the 5-year time horizon in the new market mix scenario was based on market assumptions.

RESULTS: A total of 2330 patients with RRMS was calculated. The introduction of alemtuzumab into the Colombian health system implies the need for a financial effort for years 1 and 2 of USD $6,967mm and USD $3,925mm respectively. From year 3 onwards, the budget impact resulting from the adoption of alemtuzumab, corresponds to a reduction of USD $236,511, USD $1,346mm and USD $2,212mm for years 3, 4 and 5 respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: The financing of alemtuzumab into the Colombian health system implies a financial effort during the first two years, which could be offset by the expected savings observed in the subsequent years, and even further after year 5. As an opportunity for future research, it would be relevant to consider the inclusion of costs associated with relapses and management of patients according to their EDSS, in order to evaluate their effects on the budgetary impact associated with the introduction of alemtuzumab into the Colombian health system.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2020-11, ISPOR Europe 2020, Milan, Italy

Value in Health, Volume 23, Issue S2 (December 2020)




Economic Evaluation

Topic Subcategory

Budget Impact Analysis


Neurological Disorders

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