Analysis of the Cost per Responder of Biological Treatments for Moderate to Severe Psoriasis in Argentina


Kanevsky D1, Rodriguez MF1, Suarez Ordoñez S1, Elgart J2, Mazzuoccolo LD3
1Abbvie, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2CENEXA. Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada (UNLP-CONICET), La Plata, B, Argentina, 3Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires, Argentina

OBJECTIVES : To determine the cost per responder (CPR) (achieve 90% and 100% reduction in the PASI [Psoriasis Area Severity Index]) of the biological treatments for moderate to severe psoriasis in Argentina.

METHODS : Using a model developed in Excel, we estimated the number of patients needed to treat (NNT) to achieve a reduction of 90% and 100% in the PASI (PASI-90/100) of the following treatments: Adalimumab, Apremilast, Etanercept, Guselkumab, Infliximab, Ixekizumab, Risankizumab, Secukinumab and Ustekinumab. The incremental CPR was estimated as the costs of drugs associated with treatment over a given time horizon (primary response period [10-16 weeks] or 2 years) multiplied by the NNT. PASI-90/100 response probabilities were extracted from a network meta-analysis of published clinical trials (10-16 weeks). Costs of treatments were estimated based on approved regimens and doses of each drug as well as drug prices obtained from a publicly available list of prices. CPR are presented in Argentine Pesos ($) (exchange rate 1US$ = 70.25$, May 2020)

RESULTS : NNT (PASI 90; 100): Risankizumab (1.42; 2.48), Ixekizumab (1.43; 2.54), Guselkumab (1.51; 2.81), Secukinumab (1.66; 3.36), Infliximab (1.78; 3.79), Ustekinumab (2.34; 6.02), Adalimumab (2.35; 6.10), Etanercept (5.95; 24.39) and Apremilast (9.09; 43.48). CPR for primary response period (PASI 90; 100): Risankizumab ($483,429; $845.701), Guselkumab ($511,643; $949,989), Secukinumab ($631,029; $1,274,764), Ixekizumab ($636,717; $1,126,375), Adalimumab ($698,008, $1,813,118), Ustekinumab ($999,141; $2,576,099), Etanercept ($1,047,402; $4,291,793), Apremilast ($1,078,568; $5,158,369) and Infliximab ($1,228,664; $2,620,220). CPR at 2 years (PASI 90; 100): Risankizumab ($2,064,565; $3,611,709), Guselkumab ($2,066,014; $3,836,054), Ixekizumab ($2,494,476; $4,412,817), Secukinumab ($2641,173; $5,335,524), Adalimumab ($2,832,516; $7,357,634), Apremilast ($2,961,656; $14,164,442), Ustekinumab ($3,552,613; $9,159,750), Etanercept ($4,267,464; $17,486,194) and Infliximab ($4,933,087; $10.520.182).

CONCLUSIONS : Among the therapies evaluated for moderate to severe psoriasis, Risankizumab, Guselkumab and Ixekizumab shown the highest PASI-90/100 response rates; while Risankizumab would have the lowest CPR PASI-90/100 for all time horizons considered.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2020-11, ISPOR Europe 2020, Milan, Italy

Value in Health, Volume 23, Issue S2 (December 2020)




Clinical Outcomes, Economic Evaluation

Topic Subcategory

Clinical Outcomes Assessment, Comparative Effectiveness or Efficacy, Cost-comparison, Effectiveness, Utility, Benefit Analysis


Multiple Diseases, Systemic Disorders/Conditions

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