September 18, 2024 - September 19, 2024
Learn how to quantify meaningful aspects of health with this course on clinical outcome assessments
Clinical outcome assessments (COAs) play an important role in evaluating the clinical benefit and risk of a medical product being studied in a clinical trial.
Enroll in this course to:
- Understand the value of measuring a patient-reported health status.
- Recognize different types of clinical outcome assessments (COAs).
- Gain knowledge of what each COA encompasses.
- Understand the properties of a good COA.
- Become familiar with the typical development and evaluation process for COAs.
Participants will be introduced to the 4 types of clinical outcome assessments (COAs), including patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures, clinician-reported outcome (ClinRO) measures, observer-reported outcome measures (ObsRO), and performance outcome (PerfO) assessments, and how these are used to quantify meaningful aspects of health, including how people are feeling, functioning, or surviving.
Other topics include:
- how the COAs are utilized in the regulatory environment,
- the types of evidence needed to support use of an existing COA, and
- how researchers modify or develop COAs for a specific use case.
This is an entry level course which assumes only a passing familiarity with COAs.
LEVEL: Introductory
TRACK: Patient-Centered Research
HEOR Key Competency: 12.1 Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO) Development, Including Psychometrics
LENGTH: 4 Hours | Course runs 2 consecutive days, 2 hours each day
ISPOR short courses are designed to enhance knowledge and techniques in core health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) topics as well as emerging trends in the field. Short courses offer 4 or 8 hours of premium scientific education and an electronic course book. Active attendee participation combined with our expert faculty creates an immersive and impactful learning experience. Short courses are not recorded and are only available during the live course presentation.