November 6: Introduction to Health Technology Assessment - In Person at ISPOR Europe 2022
This introductory course is designed to teach academic researchers, health policy decision makers, manufacturers, and clinicians about the key elements, methods, and language of health technology assessment (HTA). The course provides an overview of basic HTA principles including benefit assessment (biostatistics, clinical epidemiology, patient-relevant outcomes, risk-benefit assessment), economic evaluation (costing, cost-effectiveness analysis, pharmacoeconomic modeling, budget impact analysis, resource allocation), and ELSI (ethical, legal, and social implications). Using real world examples covering both drugs and devices, the course will review the practical steps involved in developing and using HTA reports in different countries and healthcare systems. Discussion with participants will focus on the implementation of HTA in health care decision making and stakeholder perspectives. This course is suitable for those with little or no experience with HTA.
Professor & Chair
UMIT - University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology
Innsbruck, Austria, and Harvard Chan School of Public Health, USA
Petra Schnell-Inderst, MPH, PhD
Senior Scientist
UMIT - University for Health Sciences
Medical Informatics and Technology
Innsbruck, Austria

November 6, 2022
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Introduction to Health Technology Assessment
LEVEL: Introductory
TRACK: Health Technology Assessment
LENGTH: 4 Hours | Course runs 1 day
This short course will be offered in-person at the ISPOR Europe 2022 conference. Separate registration is required. Visit the ISPOR Europe 2022 website to register and learn more.
Sunday, 6 November 2022 | Course runs 1 Day
This introductory course is designed to teach academic researchers, health policy decision makers, manufacturers, and clinicians about the key elements, methods, and language of health technology assessment (HTA). The course provides an overview of basic HTA principles including benefit assessment (biostatistics, clinical epidemiology, patient-relevant outcomes, risk-benefit assessment), economic evaluation (costing, cost-effectiveness analysis, pharmacoeconomic modeling, budget impact analysis, resource allocation), and ELSI (ethical, legal, and social implications). Using real world examples covering both drugs and devices, the course will review the practical steps involved in developing and using HTA reports in different countries and healthcare systems. Discussion with participants will focus on the implementation of HTA in health care decision making and stakeholder perspectives. This course is suitable for those with little or no experience with HTA.FACULTY MEMBERS
Uwe Siebert, MD, MPH, MSc, ScDProfessor & Chair
UMIT - University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology
Innsbruck, Austria, and Harvard Chan School of Public Health, USA
Petra Schnell-Inderst, MPH, PhD
Senior Scientist
UMIT - University for Health Sciences
Medical Informatics and Technology
Innsbruck, Austria
Basic Schedule:
4 Hours | Course runs 1 Day