November 6: Health Economic Modeling in R: A Hands-on Introduction - In Person at ISPOR Europe 2022
This highly practical course will outline the computational and transparency advantages of using R, for those used to health economic modelling using Microsoft Excel. This course explores the use of R for health economic modelling in the context of health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) and faculty will guide the participants through practical examples of HEOR. The faculty are expert speakers who have diverse experience in academia, national Health Technology Assessment agencies (NICE, NCPE), and industry. The faculty will lead participants through practical examples of health economic modelling including using R for Markov models from deterministic analysis through to probabilistic sensitivity analysis and EVPI. Additional useful packages for modelling using R will also be discussed. All sessions will interchange between descriptive lectures and hands-on exercises. Participants will be provided with materials , including model examples in R and information on where to go for further learning. This course is designed for those with some familiarity with modelling techniques, such as the concepts of discrete time cohort Markov models and probabilistic sensitivity analysis, but familiarity with R coding is not required. Attendees will require a laptop with RStudio (v1.1.0 or higher) and R (v4.2.1 or higher) downloaded and installed.
Lecturer, Data Analytics
Queen’s University Belfast
Director, Northern Ireland Centre for Health Analytics and Decision Science (NI-CHADS)
Belfast, Ireland
Gianluca Baio, PhD
Professor of Statistics and Health Economics
Department of Statistical Science, University College London
London, UK
Howard Thom, PhD, MSc
Lecturer, Health Economic Modelling
University of Bristol and
Senior Director
Clifton Insight, Bristol, UK
Rose Hart, PhD
Senior Health Economist
Lumanity Inc.
Sheffield, UK

November 6, 2022
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Health Economic Modeling in R: A Hands-on Introduction
LEVEL: Introductory
TRACK: Economic Evaluation
LENGTH: 4 Hours | Course runs 1 day
This short course will be offered in-person at the ISPOR Europe 2022 conference. Separate registration is required. Visit the ISPOR Europe 2022 website to register and learn more.
This highly practical course will outline the computational and transparency advantages of using R, for those used to health economic modelling using Microsoft Excel. This course explores the use of R for health economic modelling in the context of health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) and faculty will guide the participants through practical examples of HEOR. The faculty are expert speakers who have diverse experience in academia, national Health Technology Assessment agencies (NICE, NCPE), and industry. The faculty will lead participants through practical examples of health economic modelling including using R for Markov models from deterministic analysis through to probabilistic sensitivity analysis and EVPI. Additional useful packages for modelling using R will also be discussed. All sessions will interchange between descriptive lectures and hands-on exercises. Participants will be provided with materials , including model examples in R and information on where to go for further learning. This course is designed for those with some familiarity with modelling techniques, such as the concepts of discrete time cohort Markov models and probabilistic sensitivity analysis, but familiarity with R coding is not required. Attendees will require a laptop with RStudio (v1.1.0 or higher) and R (v4.2.1 or higher) downloaded and installed. FACULTY MEMBERS
Felicity Lamrock, PhDLecturer, Data Analytics
Queen’s University Belfast
Director, Northern Ireland Centre for Health Analytics and Decision Science (NI-CHADS)
Belfast, Ireland
Gianluca Baio, PhD
Professor of Statistics and Health Economics
Department of Statistical Science, University College London
London, UK
Howard Thom, PhD, MSc
Lecturer, Health Economic Modelling
University of Bristol and
Senior Director
Clifton Insight, Bristol, UK
Rose Hart, PhD
Senior Health Economist
Lumanity Inc.
Sheffield, UK
Basic Schedule:
4 Hours | Course runs 1 Day