How Does Biosimilar Availability Create Value for the Patient? A Conversation About Avenues to Widen Access to Biologics

Oct 2023

The aim of this webinar is to discuss real-life examples on how biosimilar adoption has positively impacted care and patient access to biological therapies, focusing on testimonies from patient, policy, and healthcare professional representatives. Speakers are invited to converse on what the tangible benefits are that biosimilars have delivered for patients, and how biosimilar availability has supported access to care and the implementation of optimized disease management initiatives.

Health is Wealth

Jul 2023

This webinar will inaugurate the third edition of the series of webinars sponsored by FIFARMA on Value and Access to Innovation, and will be focused on exploring the relationship between health and the economy and how to ensure the long term healthcare system sustainability.

Challenges in Rare Disease Diagnostics: An Overview

Jun 2023

This webinar is aimed at all those who undertake research and development as well as value assessment of therapies and diagnostics in the rare disease space. It aims to expose the “diagnostic odyssey” and explain why a definitive diagnosis is not only important for patients but also for those assessing value. Objectives are to 1) explain what can be done to improve diagnosis in rare diseases and 2) why it matters in the context of value assessment.

Can the Benefits From Biosimilars Be Sustainably Increased? Policy Recommendations for Europe, Middle East and Canada

Oct 2022

Biosimilars offer great potential for the patients, payers and the whole society. However, there exist policy barriers which can hinder this potential. The debate will analyze the challenges and opportunities for biosimilars uptake in Europe, Middle East and Canada.

Health Insurance in Africa: Sustainability in Focus

Oct 2022

Many health systems in Africa are generally characterized by high burden of out-of-pocket payment by patients at the point of care and increased exposure of clients to catastrophic health payments. However, there are recent moves by many African countries to improve their health financing systems and institute health insurance in a bid to ensure universal health coverage.

Availability and Access to Innovative Therapies in Latin America

Oct 2022

This webinar will focus on discussing how to ensure access for the right patient, to the right treatment, at the right time. We invited Max Newton, Engagement Manager at IQVIA as guest speaker. Max worked on the development of the FIFARMA "Patients Waiting to Access Innovative Therapies (WAIT) Indicator survey"; he also is leading a similar survey in Europe, the "EFPIA WAIT indicator".

On the Validity of Statistical Analyses with Privacy-Preserving Synthetic Data

Sep 2022

This webinar presents a brief tutorial on synthetic data generation, an overview of its privacy preserving properties, and then review the results from studies evaluating the validity of analyses using synthetic data.

How Can Society Sustainably Benefit From Biosimilars? Global Learnings and Policy Recommendations for Australia

Sep 2022

This webinar leverages recent global research conducted across 17 countries to provide an overview of the challenges and solutions to ensure the biosimilar benefits are sustainably delivered to the whole society. There will be a specific focus on the issues in Australia and comparing those against examples found globally. Implications for patients, society as well as a discussion of the learnings in terms of policy provisions and best practices that can help solving these issues will also be held.

Stakeholder Engagement in Value Assessment

Aug 2022

This is the Second webinar of the Value and Access to Innovation webseries sponsored by FIFARMA. The series are structured around FIFARMA's VAI working group workstreams: (1) Funding: what is the relation between health & the economy and how to ensure the long term healthcare system sustainability, (2) Value: what are the value frameworks used by decision makers in LatAm and what is the impact on patient access, (3) Adoption: how to ensure access for the right patient, to the right treatment, at the right time.

Data Privacy and Digital Health: The Manufacturers/Payers Perspective

Jul 2022

The key success factor for digital health implementation is the information sharing across multiple stakeholders engaged in the clinical decision making. The COVID pandemic revealed numerous differences in how individual data are used in the process of the adoption of various digital health solutions in the healthcare systems across the globe.

Financing Sustainable Healthcare Systems in Latin America

Jul 2022

This is the first webinar of the Value and Access to Innovation webseries sponsored by FIFARMA. The series are structured around FIFARMA's VAI working group workstreams.

Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis to Inform Healthcare Decisions

Jun 2022

This webinar will aim to provide an educational opportunity for the ISPOR membership to learn about the methods for conducting distributional cost-effectiveness analysis (DCEA).

Oncology Endpoints in Reimbursement Decision-Making: Are We Keeping Pace With the Science?

Jun 2022

For cancer drugs, payers often prefer to make decisions based on overall survival (OS) outcomes. However, it may take many years to collect OS data; this is particularly apparent in early-stage cancer and when an active therapy is highly effective at extending life.

Sustainable Access to Biosimilars in the USA and Latin America: Challenges and Potential Solutions

Jun 2022

This webinar leverages recent global research conducted across 17 countries to provide an overview of the challenges and solutions to ensure the biosimilar benefits are sustainably delivered to the whole society.

Accelerating Patient Access to Next Generation Sequencing

May 2022

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is the key to precision medicine in oncology and delivers several benefits across the patient care pathway, from providing patients with a tailored therapeutic strategy, increasing efficiency in healthcare systems delivery of care, resulting in potential cost savings and benefits to future patients.

Value-Based Payment in Asia Pacific: Case Studies and Lessons Learned

Apr 2022

Health systems in Asia Pacific regions are under tremendous pressure to deal with the rising costs, unequal access to service, and uneven quality of care. More and more healthcare systems across the region have increasingly embraced a value-based health care (VBHC) agenda. How can we maximize value for money and optimize patient outcomes? How should healthcare be delivered and reimbursed? In light of these issues, this webinar brings together a panel of experts to discuss the current situation of value-based payment in the Asia Pacific region and beyond, challenges and opportunities for VBHC implementation in the region.

Delivering Evidence-Based Access in Rare Diseases: The Challenges in SMA

Apr 2022

This session educates about the specific challenges of rare disease treatments in an HTA and discusses how Real-World Evidence Collection can address the data gap at the time of access decision.

Data Privacy as a Hurdle or Enabler for Digital Health Implementation? The Legal Framework

Apr 2022

The key success factor for digital health implementation is the information sharing across multiple stakeholders engaged in the clinical decision making. The COVID pandemic revealed numerous differences in how individual data are used in the process of the adoption of various digital health solutions in the healthcare systems across the globe.

HTA/Reimbursement Evolution and Priorities for Assessment in a Value-Based Healthcare Environment in Latin America

Mar 2022

This session will discuss trends in the HTA/Reimbursement environment in Latin America and the drivers for value-based health care (VBHC) implementation within the region. The potential benefits of VBHC, stakeholders’ roles in VBHC, contextual barriers and facilitators for VBHC implementation, and potential future impact of VBHC to healthcare in the region will be discussed by a panel of speakers.

Bariatric Surgery Reimbursement Seminar

Mar 2022

Experts from around the world will be sharing their experience about obesity treatment and reimbursement policies in their different countries. The event will consist of 7 expert presentations followed by a round table discussion with an opportunity for the audience to ask questions.

Biosimilars' Key Next Steps: What Will the Future Bring?

Jan 2022

This webinar emerges in the sequence of relevant topics highlighted in the ISPOR Science Strategy (particularly the Special Populations and Technologies and Health Economics, Access and Policy sections) and the Special Interest Group on biosimilars, by specifically reflecting on how to tackle inefficiencies of healthcare systems in the future with biosimilars.

ISPOR's New Science Strategy - A Member-Generated Roadmap of HEOR Priorities and Frontiers

Mar 2021

This webinar will review each of the theme areas and focal points in the Strategy, the process by which they were generated, and their potential implications for future ISPOR activities.

The Impact of COVID-19 in Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities in Latin America

Mar 2021

To help viewers better understand the region, this webinar brings together a panel of health experts across Latin America to provide multiple perspectives on the effects of COVID-19 in the healthcare of Latin America including regulatory change and innovation, public-private partnerships in health, digital transformation, regional and inter-regional cooperation and capacity building. Brought to you by ISPOR's Latin America Consortium.

Esquemas de Acuerdo Administrado/Managed Entry Agreements (MEAs)

Mar 2021

En este evento educativo, escucharemos a dos expertos que han estado a la vanguardia de los esfuerzos en America Latina por implementar estos acuerdos, con el fin de balancear el acceso a nuevas tecnologías con un financiamiento sostenible. Héctor Castro (Líder global en financiamiento a la salud, tecnologías, datos e impacto, MSH) y Alicia Ferreira (Ex-directora del Fondo Nacional de Recursos) compartirán con nosotros ejemplos reales de cómo los Acuerdos de Entrada Gestionada se están implementando progresivamente en América Latina y, recomendaciones sobre cómo crear las bases para un camino mejorado hacia un mayor acceso a tratamientos para todos los latinoamericanos.

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