December 5, 2023
Open to all ISPOR Members and Non-members
Title: Tokenization in Clinical Trials: Benefits and End-to-End Enablement
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
11:00AM EST | 4:00PM UTC | 5:00PM CET
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Tokenization allows linking of disparate deidentified datasets in a privacy preserving and compliant manner. It provides an opportunity to assess real-world, long-term outcomes of clinical trial subjects beyond their clinical trial participation as
well as link electronic health records (EHRs), claims, and registry data. Tokenizing and linking real-world data (RWD) sets can create more robust and relevant data to support regulatory and payer decision-making.
This webinar will provide a brief background on tokenization and its benefits. It will focus on end-to-end considerations for tokenizing data of clinical trial participants and designing fit for purpose studies based on linked real-world datasets. This webinar will outline (i) criteria for selecting clinical trials suitable for tokenization, (ii) highlight operational and evidence generation complexities and present potential options at various steps needed before, during, and after the clinical trial to enable tokenization, (iii) elucidate how to create and use linked datasets to derive fit for purpose real world evidence. Datasets obtained by linking patient level data from clinical trials with external datasets have unique characteristics and pose varying challenges. This webinar will help provide a key understanding of these challenges and provide potential solutions to overcome them.
The audience will get an overall understanding and introduction to using tokenization related to clinical trials, which can inform linking clinical trial dates to RWD in their organization. An interactive discussion between the presenters will provide an opportunity to delve deeper into select issues and approaches in enabling tokenization and how to best derive fit-for-purpose evidence for multiple stakeholders.
Learning Objectives
- Understand tokenization, its benefits and applicability, including, how tokenization can be used to follow clinical trial participants in the real world.
- Gain an understanding of the key considerations and steps needed to tokenize clinical trials, including necessary interactions with clinical trial sites.
- Understanding of how to create linked datasets and how to leverage it for generating fit for purpose RWE with appropriate study designs.
Kaustuv Bhattacharya, MS, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Administration and Research Assistant Professor in the Center for Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, Oxford, MS, USA
Akshay Vashist, PhD, Head, Medical and Real-World Data Analytics, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development and Commercialization (OPDC) Inc., Princeton, NJ, USA
Amit Kulkarni, PhD, Head, Health Economics and Decision Sciences, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development and Commercialization (OPDC) Inc., Princeton, NJ, USA
Brought to you by: ISPOR Real-World Evidence Special Interest Group
Please note: On the day of the scheduled webinar, the first 1000 registered participants will be accepted into the webinar. For those who are unable to attend, or would like to review the webinar at a later date, the full-length webinar recording will be made available at the ISPOR Educational Webinar Series webpage approximately 2 days after the scheduled Webinar.