Current Issue
Volume 46 , Issue C
2025, March
Value in Health Regional Issues in progress are available here.
Value in Health Regional Issues, ISPOR's journal for regional advancements in health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), is a peer-reviewed, MEDLINE indexed journal that publishes applied research using HEOR methods to examine health systems, policies, and patient populations in all geographic regions. The journal's latest impact factor score is 1.4 and its CiteScore is 2.6. In addition, Scopus ranks Value in Health Regional Issues 13th of 43 journals in its Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Pharmaceutics category; 84th of 242 journals in its Economics, Econometrics, and Finance category; and 173rd of 310 journals in its Medicine/Health Policy category.
Value in Health Regional Issues publishes original contributions of economic evaluations of healthcare interventions (pharmaceutical, medical devices, or procedures) that examine their impact on regional health policy. The editors are also interested in health policy analyses that translate knowledge across countries (ie, country comparisons), health equity research that examines resource allocation in local jurisdictions, evaluations of interventions on health system performance using standard econometric models and well-established performance indicators, as well as patient participation and value-based priority setting in resource allocation decisions.
Manuscripts submitted to Value in Health Regional Issues must focus on regional populations and regional health policies, and where possible, demonstrate the broader implications to other regions.
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