Call for Reviewers

Research Peer Reviewer

Now Open!

ISPOR invites all members to serve as peer reviewers for research abstract submissions for ISPOR Real-World Evidence Summit 2025: Through the Lens of Asia Pacific. Reviewers have the opportunity to help shape the research program for this upcoming summit.

Sign-Up Here

Eligibility Requirements

Reviewers must be members of ISPOR (undergraduate students excluded) and available to review abstracts from 16 April through 30 April 2025. 

Important Deadlines

27 March| Call for Peer Reviewers Closes

16 April | Abstract Review Opens

30 April | Abstract Review Closes

Review Process

If selected as a reviewer, you will be asked to review multiple abstracts. You will receive a detailed email with instructions and scoring criteria on or before 16 April 2025.

Should you have any questions please contact