Inequities in Mortality Due to Diabetes Mellitus in a Colombian Caribbean City, According to Health Regime, 2012-2021
OBJECTIVES: To determine if there are discrepancies in mortality due to diabetes mellitus according to the health regime in Colombia, to find the existence of inequalities.
METHODS: It was a descriptive study with an ecological component. Data were taken from the SISPRO Characterization Reports for Barranquilla, distinguishing the values according to health regime. The Age-Adjusted Mortality Rates (AMR) x 100,000 affiliates were analyzed for the “Diabetes Mellitus” group (according to the 6/67 classification of diseases), during the years 2012 to 2021.
RESULTS: The AMR x 100,000 for DM2 were significantly higher (p<0.05) in members of the subsidized regime, ranging between 17.3 and 31.53, compared to the contributory regimen, which had values between 13.8 and 23.72. These differences by regimen were maintained regardless of sex, where rates between sexes were similar (p>0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Inequalities influence the outlook for diabetes mellitus, especially mortality, as reflected in the present study. Inequalities were observed in the AMR of Diabetes Mellitus in Barranquilla, being greater for members of the subsidized regime, so it is proposed to decentralize the simplistic vision of the health system, integrating this factor into the prevention and promotion program of Diabetes Mellitus seeking to intervene in the social determinants and economic aspects of the disease, which were not considered in the panorama of this disease.
Epidemiology & Public Health, Health Policy & Regulatory
Topic Subcategory
Health Disparities & Equity, Public Health
Diabetes/Endocrine/Metabolic Disorders (including obesity)