Impact of Pharmacological Interventions on Clinical and Humanistic Outcomes in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF): A Systematic Literature Review (SLR)


Penaloza C1, Kaczynska M1, Sharma N2, Kainthla G2
1Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany, 2ZS Associates, New Delhi, India

OBJECTIVES: IPF is a chronic, fibrosing interstitial pneumonia with poor prognosis. This SLR aimed to identify evidence for the impact of treatments on clinical and humanistic outcomes in patients with IPF.

METHODS: SLR following Cochrane and PRISMA guidelines conducted from January 2011-September 2023 in Embase, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library supplemented with conference searches.

RESULTS: 31 RCTs were included. In 19 studies, patients were treated with antifibrotic (AF) alone or combination with other agents (sildenafil or N-acetylcysteine). Forced vital capacity (FVC) (N=30), DLCO (N=21), acute exacerbations (AEs) (N=9), hospitalization due to respiratory cause (N=8) and time to death (N=3) were assessed. Mean change from baseline (CFB) in absolute FVC with nintedanib (150mg twice-daily) was –20mL (vs placebo [–109mL]) at 24 weeks (w). At 52w, mean CFB in absolute FVC with AF monotherapies ranged from –51mL (vs placebo [-188mL]) to –227.9mL (vs placebo [-421.9mL]). Mean CFB in absolute FVC was less with nintedanib+pirfenidone (–13.3mL) versus nintedanib alone (–40.9mL) at 12w. Mean CFB in absolute FVC varied across other combination therapies ranging from –80mL (vs pirfenidone [-55mL]) to –142mL (vs N-acetylcysteine [-220mL]) for pirfenidone+N-acetylcysteine at 24w; and was –145mL with pirfenidone+sildenafil (vs pirfenidone [–93mL]) at 52w. Proportion of patients treated with nintedanib reporting AEs was 3.6% (vs placebo [9.6%]) and 6.1% (vs placebo [5.4%]) at 52w. Proportion of patients experiencing adverse events at 52w were similar between AF monotherapies (90.7%-96.6%) and placebo (88.7%- 90.6%). Respiratory related death rate (52w) ranged from 1%-17% with AF monotherapies and 2.5%-9.4% with placebo. 23 studies assessed HRQoL using SGRQ, SoBQ, EQ-5D, L-PF, MRC, HADS, CAT, and CASA-Q. No meaningful improvement in HRQoL was observed following treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest a high unmet need remains for a well-tolerated treatment option for IPF patients. Whilst current AF slow down the decline in lung function, limited impact is observed on HRQoL.




Clinical Outcomes

Topic Subcategory

Clinical Outcomes Assessment, Comparative Effectiveness or Efficacy


No Additional Disease & Conditions/Specialized Treatment Areas, Respiratory-Related Disorders (Allergy, Asthma, Smoking, Other Respiratory)