Understanding Alopecia Areata: An Estimation of the Portuguese Epidemiology Data
Pedrosa A1, Sousa J2, Marques V3, Correia A4
1CHU São João, Porto, Porto, Portugal, 2MOAI Consulting, Lisbon, 11, Portugal, 3Pfizer Portugal, Porto Salvo, Porto Salvo, Portugal, 4Pfizer Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal
OBJECTIVES: To assess the clinical and demographic characteristics of Alopecia Areata (AA) patients and estimate the number of AA patients per disease type and extent in Portugal.
METHODS: An observational, cross-sectional study, using a qualitative survey of dermatologists in Portugal with experience in AA management. The AA extent was defined by SALT score by quantifying the percentage of scalp hair loss: mild (≤20); moderate (21-49); severe (≥ 50) which was classified according to dermatologists’ discretion. The survey conducted from 2023-08-07 to 2023-11-15, comprised 22 close-ended, multiple choice, multi-select, and Likert scale measurement response questions. The number of patients by disease type and extent was estimated with a 95% CI extrapolating the study sample (N=178) and the AA prevalence data from the 2019 Global Burden of Disease study.
RESULTS: A total of 13 dermatologists answered the survey. The total monthly number of patients was 178 with 51 new AA diagnoses. Most of these patients were women (57%) aged between 18-40 years old. The results showed that patchy AA is the most common clinical pattern, affecting 69% of patients followed by universalis, ophiasis and totalis (9%, 9% and 8%, respectively). Severe AA is more common in adults than in adolescents and children (27%,13% and 6% respectively). It was estimated that AA affects 31,004 patients. Patchy AA affects ~21,000 patients, universalis and ophiasis affects almost 3,000 patients each, ~2,500 have totalis, <1,000 are affected by diffuse, and ~600 have sisaipho AA. Around 500 children (0 to 11 years), ~500 adolescents (12 to 17 years), and almost 18,000 adults were estimated to have moderate to severe AA.
CONCLUSIONS: Seventy-three % of AA patients were adults. It is estimated that ~19,000 patients (all age groups) have moderate to severe disease. Further studies are needed to confirm these epidemiological findings.
This study was sponsored by PfizerCode
Epidemiology & Public Health, Study Approaches
Topic Subcategory
Surveys & Expert Panels
No Additional Disease & Conditions/Specialized Treatment Areas, Systemic Disorders/Conditions (Anesthesia, Auto-Immune Disorders (n.e.c.), Hematological Disorders (non-oncologic), Pain)