Cost-Effectiveness of Dupilumab in the Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Prurigo Nodularis in France
Allali N1, Vataire AL2, Sutour L3, Bahloul D3, Payan M4, Thomas RB5, Kuznik A6, Sambuc C7, Tavi J8
1Sanofi, Paris, 75, France, 2Sanofi, Gentilly, 94, France, 3Sanofi, Gentilly, Paris, France, 4Sanofi, Cambridge, MA, USA, 5Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Sleepy Hollow, NY, USA, 6Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Tarrytown, NY, USA, 7Vyoo Agency, Villeurbanne, Paris, France, 8Sanofi, Pantin, 93, France
Presentation Documents
OBJECTIVES: Dupilumab is the only biologic approved to treat adults with moderate-to-severe prurigo nodularis (MS-PN) who are uncontrolled with topicals. PN is a subtype of chronic pruritus, characterized by an intense itch and pruriginous lesions. The presented approach highlights the value of dupilumab based on effectiveness related to response-year (ry) gained. The objective of the study was to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis of dupilumab to treat MS-PN versus best supportive care (BSC), from a French societal National Health perspective.
METHODS: A 24-week decision tree combined with a three-state Markov model was designed with 12-week transition and half-cycle correction to represent the pathway of patients with MS-PN treated with dupilumab compared to those receiving BSC, according to the Phase-3 PRIME (NCT04183335) and PRIME2 (NCT04202679) trials. The response to treatment was defined as a minimum improvement of 4 points on the worst-itch numerical rating scale. (WI-NRS, ranges from 0 = ‘no itch’ to 10 = ‘worst itching imaginable’). Costs and healthcare resource utilization were informed by a survey of French patients with PN, with a 2.5% discount rate for costs. Cost distribution among health states assumed that treatment responders would utilize healthcare resources similarly to patients with mild PN, and non-responders to patients with MS-PN. Sensitivity analysis explored different scenarios. The model structure was validated by the French Health Authority (HAS).
RESULTS: In the base case analysis, over a 20-year time horizon, the treatment with dupilumab versus BSC resulted in a gain of 5 incremental response-year and an incremental cost of €103,000; yielding an ICER (Incremental Cost-effectiveness Ratio) of 20,623 €/ry.
CONCLUSIONS: Dupilumab showed a significantly greater response-year gain in patients with MS-PN versus BSC. In comparison to atopic dermatitis, another dermatologic indication of dupilumab reimbursed in France, the ICER/ry is comparable in MS-PN, demonstrating a similar cost-effectiveness of dupilumab in PN.
Economic Evaluation
Topic Subcategory
Cost-comparison, Effectiveness, Utility, Benefit Analysis
No Additional Disease & Conditions/Specialized Treatment Areas, Sensory System Disorders (Ear, Eye, Dental, Skin)