Assessing the Reimbursement Landscape of Oncology Products in the Turkish Pharmaceutical Market


Kurnaz M1, Tibet B2, Atikeler K3, Ileri S3, Pektas O3
1ECONiX Research, Samsun, 55, Turkey, 2ECONiX Research, Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Sanofi, İstanbul, Turkey

OBJECTIVES: Cancers can be broadly classified into two main types: solid tumors and hematologic tumors. Solid tumors develop in specific organs or tissues, whereas hematologic tumors originate in the blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic system. The aim of this study is to examine the reimbursement status of oncology products in the Turkish pharmaceutical market based on their indications and to evaluate these products within the scope of reimbursement.

METHODS: The study focused on analyzing the distribution of oncology drugs in the Turkish market, categorized by indication, molecule, and whether they were original or generic. To achieve this, essential data were sourced from lists published by the Social Security Institution and the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency. These datasets were then meticulously transferred to Windows Office Excel, where they underwent a comprehensive descriptive analysis to ensure accurate and detailed insights.

RESULTS: According to the study results, out of the 338 products in the drug market, 283 are covered by reimbursement (83 out of 94 drugs for hematologic malignancies, 172 out of 209 drugs for solid tumors, and 28 out of 35 drugs for both categories). Among the 283 reimbursed products, 6 drugs from the hematologic malignancies group and 17 drugs from the solid tumors group are covered by alternative reimbursement methods, and all of these drugs are original. The remaining 105 original drugs (37 from the hematologic malignancies group, 60 from the solid tumors group, and 8 from the group covering both categories) and 155 generic drugs are included under standard reimbursement methods.

CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the analysis of the Turkish oncology drug market reveals a robust reimbursement landscape, with a substantial majority of oncology drugs being covered under reimbursement schemes. The inclusion of original drugs through alternative reimbursement methods underscores the commitment to ensuring access to high-cost, innovative treatments.




Health Policy & Regulatory

Topic Subcategory

Approval & Labeling, Reimbursement & Access Policy

