Strategies of Operational Savings in an Integrated Care Clinic for Immune-Mediated Skin Diseases
LondoƱo AM1, Bedoya C2, Hincapie AM2, Madrigal Cadavid J3, Rendon A2, Estrada Acevedo JI2, Abad JM4
1CES university, Medellin, Colombia, 2Helpharma, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia, 3Helpharma, Medellin, ANT, Colombia, 4SURA EPS, Medellin, Colombia
Presentation Documents
OBJECTIVES: To describe the savings generated in a program of rational use of biological therapy in an integrated clinic of immune-mediated skin diseases (CLIPSO).
METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study in a cohort of patients diagnosed with immune-mediated dermatologic diseases (psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, urticaria, and atopic dermatitis) attended at CLIPSO between May 2023 - May 2024. Patients were evaluated by a team of physicians, dermatology specialists, and pharmacists, who depending on clinical and pharmacological follow-up of defined the most appropriate therapy or established optimization strategies of biological therapy. The savings were defined as the use of a more economical therapy, decreasing the doses, or increasing the use frequency of the drug, total suspension of treatment due to disease control, switching to biosimilar drugs, and avoidability of starting unnecessary biologic treatment. A univariate analysis was performed using the statistical package R Core Team Version 4.2 (2022).
RESULTS: During the period evaluated 1921 patients were identified with biological therapy, of which 285 patients (14,8%) had therapy optimized according to their clinical evolution. The mean age was 46 years (SD: 18), 62.6% were female and mainly with diagnoses of psoriasis 38.9%, urticaria 30.5%, atopic dermatitis 17.9%, hidradenitis suppurativa 12.3%, and other dermatologic diseases 0.4%. The drugs managed were mainly 29.8% omalizumab, 21.8% adalimumab, 16.8% dupilumab, 7.7% ixekizumab, 7.4% guselkumab, 4.9% ustekinumab, 4.2% secukinumab, 2.1% etanercept, 2.1% risankizumab, and 3.2% other drugs. the strategies of operational savings used were 52.6% use frequency spacing, 24.6% total suspension of the biologic, 9.1% avoidability of starting biologic therapy, 7.0% switch to biosimilar (adalimumab), 5.3% dose adjustment, and 1.4% change of treatment. These strategies generated a total saving of 633,800 USD.
CONCLUSIONS: CLIPSO generates a relevant economic impact on the appropriate prescription and scaling of biological therapies for patients with immune-mediated skin diseases.
Clinical Outcomes
Topic Subcategory
Clinician Reported Outcomes
Biologics & Biosimilars, Drugs, Sensory System Disorders (Ear, Eye, Dental, Skin)