Patients’ Disease Burden, Satisfaction, and Use of Technology in Rheumatoid Arthritis in Greece: A Cross-Sectional Patient Survey
Tzanetakos C1, Malliou N2, Koutsogianni K3, Gourzoulidis G1
1Health Through Evidence, Athens, Greece, 2Hellenic League Against Rheumatism, (EL.E.AN.A), Greece, 3PanHellenic Federation of Patients, Parents, Caregivers and Friends of Children with Rheumatic Diseases, (REUMAZEIN), Greece
Presentation Documents
OBJECTIVES: The objective of current study was to capture patients’ disease burden, satisfaction, and use of technology in adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Greece.
METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in August –September of 2023. Eligible to participate were adults with RA, members of Greek patient associations ELEANA and Reumazin. A structured on-line questionnaire including sociodemographic factors, history of disease, disease self-assessment&impact in daily activities, treatment satisfaction and use of technology/media was developed.
RESULTS: A total of 303 adults with RA responded. The 83% of the participants reported that RA has important/very important” effect in their daily life activities, whereas the 40% of them mentioned none or little/moderate satisfaction by their current treatment. The vast majority reported that "remission" is one of the goals that patient and physician have agreed upon, with the absence of pain (89%) being most often reported for definition of remission. Pain was found to be the main determinant of patients' functioning. The achievement of remission was positively correlated with patients’ satisfaction with the course of disease(p≤0,05), whereas patients who made a joint decision with physicians about their treatment considered that they have achieved remission(p=0,02). 9 out of 10 participants reported that a digital-tool would help them to prepare adequately for their physician’s appointment and that a mobile-or-smartwatch app recording their health status would be useful.
CONCLUSIONS: Despite their treatment, 8/10 patients reported that RA has important/very important effect in their daily life activities. Almost half of patients were found to be not much or very much satisfied with their current treatment. Similar to treatment guidelines, remission is one of the main goals set in clinical practice. Increased use of technology is desired by almost all patients so as to be better informed about their health status and disease as well as to improve their communication with physicians.
Medical Technologies, Patient-Centered Research
Topic Subcategory
Patient-reported Outcomes & Quality of Life Outcomes, Stated Preference & Patient Satisfaction
Musculoskeletal Disorders (Arthritis, Bone Disorders, Osteoporosis, Other Musculoskeletal)