Healthcare Resource Use and Costs Associated With Patients Suffering From Multiple Sclerosis 2 Years Before Initiating Ocrelizumab


Moisset X1, Mercier G2, Larrieu S3, Brechenmacher L4, Marchal C5, Deygas F5, Civet A6, Pau D7
1CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2Economic Evaluation Unit, CHU Montpellier, Montpellier, France, 3Horiana, Bordeaux, France, 4Roche SAS, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, 5PELyon, Lyon, France, 6Roche, Boulogne Billancourt, 92, France, 7Roche, Boulogne-Billancourt, 92, France

Presentation Documents

OBJECTIVES: PROMSactive (NCT03589105) was a French Phase IV study running from 2019 to 2021, designed to provide efficacy data in patients with active relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) initiating ocrelizumab. To describe healthcare costs and resource utilization (HCRU) of patients included in the PROMSactive study, a deterministic linkage was set-up using the French claims database (SNDS). This abstract describes HCRU of patients according to MS type (RRMS/SPMS).

METHODS: All PROMSactive patients with 48-week follow-up were linked with patients suffering from MS between 2013 and 2020, extracted from the SNDS. Costs were described through12-month periods during the two years preceding index date, defined as ocrelizumab initial dispensation: [-24;-12[ vs. [-12;0[ months before index date.

RESULTS: 142,210 patients with MS were extracted from the SNDS and 371 patients from the PROMSactive study. 291 patients were linked: 257 with RRMS and 34 with SPMS.

RRMS: When comparing the [-24;-12[ period to the [-12;0[ period, mean care cost increased during the latter (€10,318; 95%CI:[9,034;11,602] vs. €11,676; 95%CI:[10,545;12,807], respectively). Expenses were mainly driven by MS treatments (71.4% and 53.8%, respectively) and hospitalization costs (8.1% and 18.8%, respectively). SPMS: Mean cost decreased the year before index date (€16,859 (95%CI:[11,975;21,743] vs. €18,139 (95%CI:[12,481;23,796]). Expenses were mainly driven by hospitalization costs (26.0% during the [-24;-12[ period and 26.7% during the [-12;0[ period) and MS treatments (25.8% and 20.1%).

CONCLUSIONS: This is the first Phase IV study with MS to be linked with the SNDS. HCRU for SPMS patients did not change over time, whereas several expenses for patients with RRMS have increased the year before index date.




Economic Evaluation, Study Approaches

Topic Subcategory

Clinical Trials


Neurological Disorders