Cost Analysis and Environmental Impact Estimation of Polypropylene Iodine Contrast Media Containers Compared With Glass Containers: A UK Hospital Perspective
Chivite M1, Cabra A2, Massey R3, Ricci C4
1GE HealthCare, Madrid, Spain, 2GE Healthcare, Miami, FL, USA, 3Clarivate, London, LON, UK, 4Clarivate, Milan, Lombardi, Italy
Presentation Documents
OBJECTIVES: “Social” and economic impact are key criteria for procurement health technologies. Among social impacts, environmental assessment is becoming more relevant.
Polypropylene and glass container materials for iodine contrast agents (CAs) differ in weight, availability (size and multi-dosage), breakability/safety, wastage and environment impact by disposal route. CA’s glass containers are associated with safety issues and high costs of waste disposal. An economic model to estimate the cost and environmental impact of switching from glass to polypropylene containers (+PLUSPAK) was developed under the UK hospital perspective.METHODS: The cost impact analysis was performed with a base-case scenario of UK hospital consuming on average 3,492 containers (all sizes) annually and included the costs of sharps injury management, waste disposal, CA wastage, and nine environmental impact metrics. The model was informed primarily by published data identified in a systematic literature review search.
RESULTS: Over three years, switching to +PLUSPAKTM (estimated progressive adoption: Year 1, 50%; Year 2, 75%; Year 3, 100%) was estimated in a 6.1% reduction in overall spending (£65,383.19), driven by savings from acquisition (£52,475.96), sharps-related injury management (£7,194.29) and specialist medical waste disposal (£3,558.05). Switching led to a 75.0% reduction in sharps injury incidence, less staff time managing injuries, 1,115.38 kg reduction in specialist waste disposed, and ~70–75.0% reduction in environmental impact metrics. Over three years, using 500 mL +PLUSPAKTM containers resulted in the lowest package disposal weight, number of breakages, and environmental impact metric scores.
CONCLUSIONS: The use of +PLUSPAKTM, particularly 500mL containers, compared with glass containers, can help reduce costs, reduce environmental impact, and improve staff safety in radiology departments aligned towards policies on environmental safety and clinical waste reduction. Results of this study are limited to specific context and results may depend on hospital settings. Cost included are on the public domain. Results are not discounted on the timeframe.
Economic Evaluation, Medical Technologies
Topic Subcategory
Cost-comparison, Effectiveness, Utility, Benefit Analysis, Diagnostics & Imaging
No Additional Disease & Conditions/Specialized Treatment Areas