Public’s Opinion Towards the Severity of Opioid Crisis and Preventive Policies to Combat Looming Opioid Crisis: A Cross-Sectional Study From Pakistan



OBJECTIVES: Despite numerous efforts to combat the opioid epidemic, its misuse and resulting mortality rate continue to rise, prompting a critical evaluation of public perceptions and the effectiveness of existing policies. Aim of the study was to evaluate the general public’s opinion towards the severity of opioid crisis and their perception about preventive policies to combat opioid crisis.

METHODS: We conducted the cross-sectional anonymous, voluntary, web-based survey to evaluate the general public opinion regarding severity of opioid crisis using google docs. Convenience and snowball sampling techniques were used to collect the data. Structured validated data collection questionnaire having 30 items was distributed via social media plate forms e.g., WhatsApp, Facebook, messenger. Public’s opinion responses were evaluated by descriptive statistics. For all variable analysis p-value <0.05 were considered statistical significant. Data analysis was done by SPSS version 24.

RESULTS: A total 5412 participants completed the web-based survey. among them, 2384 (44.1%) were male. More than half of respondents were from Punjab 2904 (53.7%). 2452 (45.3%) general population responded that illegal opioid crisis in the country is national emergency Whereas 2517 (46.5%) population considers it a major problem but not an emergency, whereas 1160 (21.4%) participants thought that prescription opioid crisis is national emergency. Increasing pain management training for doctors and medical students is very effective policy to combat opioid crisis according to 3030 (56%) population opinions. About another preventive policy 3224 (60%) population responded that monitoring doctors’ prescriptions and prescribing habits is very effective to prevent opioid crisis.

CONCLUSIONS: The study reveals that a significant portion of the population views the crisis as a severe, urgent issue requiring immediate and effective policy responses. Public support is particularly strong for practical interventions such as enhanced pain management training for healthcare providers, strict monitoring of prescribing practices, and widespread educational and awareness programs.




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