Review of the Efficacy and Safety of Switching to Iglarlixi Treatment in T2DM Management with Various Glycemic Control Regimens



OBJECTIVES: iGlarLixi is a fixed-ratio combination of insulin glargine 100 U/mL and lixisenatide. This review aims to summarize the effectiveness and safety of switching to the innovative drug iGlarLixi in the treatment of T2DM patients following various glycemic control strategies

METHODS: This review examines RCTs investigating iGlarLixi in patients with T2DM to synthesize the effectiveness and safety of iGlarLixi treatment.

RESULTS: The LixiLan-L study included T2DM patients who had received basal insulin-oral antidiabetic therapy regimens. The study found that the iGlarLixi group had a lower HbA1c level( -1.1%, -0.6% in iGlar group, p < 0.0001). A significantly higher proportion of patients in the iGlarLixi group (55.0%) achieved the HbA1c target < 7.0% compared to the iGlar group (30.0%). Additionally, the iGlarLixi group experienced a mean weight reduction (-0.7 kg), whereas the iGlar group showed weight gain (+0.7 kg; p < 0.0001). The LixiLan-G study found that the group of patients switching from GLP-1 RAs to iGlarLixi had a higher proportion of patients reaching the HbA1c < 7.0% target without documented symptomatic hypoglycemia (< 70 mg/dL; 43% in the iGlarLixi group vs. 25% in the GLP-1 RAs group). The LixiLan-O study enrolled T2DM patients treated with OADs. It found that the HbA1c level in the iGlarLixi group was 6.5% (LS mean change -1.63%), compared to 6.8% (LS mean change -1.34%) in the iGlar group and 7.3% (LS mean change -0.85%) in the Lixi group.

CONCLUSIONS: For T2DM patients, transitioning from various antidiabetic treatments to iGlarLixi has shown clinical benefits in glycemic control, weight management, and safety.




Clinical Outcomes

Topic Subcategory

Clinical Outcomes Assessment


Diabetes/Endocrine/Metabolic Disorders (including obesity), Drugs