Shelby Reed, PhD, RPh is Professor in Population Health Sciences and Medicine at Duke University, Faculty Leader of the Center for Informing Health Decisions, and Director of the Preference Evaluation Research (PrefER) Group at the Duke Clinical Research Institute. She also is core faculty and serves on the executive committee at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy. Dr. Reed has over 20 years of experience leading multidisciplinary health outcomes research studies. Dr. Reed has extensive expertise in designing and conducting trial-based and model-based cost-effectiveness analyses of diagnostics, drugs and patient-centered interventions. In evaluating health policy issues, she has developed computer models to evaluate the economic impact of trends in clinical trial design, changes in reimbursement policies, a new financing scheme to spur drug development for ultra-rare conditions, and the societal value of alternative approaches to identifying drug safety problems. Over the last several years, her research has increasingly focused on stated-preference studies to evaluate benefit-risk tradeoffs, patient-centered value, and their application in comparative effectiveness research and clinical decision making. Dr. Reed earned pharmacy and doctoral degrees from the University of Maryland and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Washington. She serves on editorial advisory boards for Value in Health and Health Services Research. She served as President of ISPOR in 2017-2018.