
Maiwenn J Al, PhD
Associate Professor
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Dr. Maiwenn Al is associate professor of Modelling in HTA at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Her research focus is on modelling studies and methods for dealing with uncertainty in economic evaluations. Together with Ben van Hout, Maiwenn developed the cost-effectiveness acceptability curve, now widely used to describe uncertainty around ICERs. She was the 2006 recipient of the ISPOR Health Economics Outcomes and Research - Methodology Award, for the paper she wrote with Jan Oostenbrink on the analysis of incomplete cost data due to dropout.

From 2012=2016, Maiwenn was co-editor of Value in Health. Until recently, Maiwenn was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Health Care Institute (ZIN) in the Netherlands. She was also on the committee for the revision of the Dutch guidelines for economic evaluations in healthcare.

Maiwenn has been health economic lead to many technology appraisals for NICE in the UK. Besides this work for NICE and various teaching activities, her current work targets the use of real-world evidence for the health economic assessment of medical devices (H2020 project COMED).