
Julian Isla
Julian Isla
Data and Artificial Intelligence Resource Manager
Microsoft Corporation and Chairman, Foundation 29, Madrid, Spain

Julian Isla is the Chief Scientific Officer of the European Dravet Syndrome Federation, and European organization of patients with Dravet Syndrome. Julian Isla founded Dravet Syndrome Foundation seven years ago. Dravet Syndrome Foundation is committed to find new treatment for Dravet Syndrome, an epileptic encephalopathy having long lasting seizures refractory to treatment as severe developmental delay as main symptoms. Julian is the father of Sergio, a young boy six years old who has Dravet Syndrome.  Julian is software engineer by training and he works for Microsoft as full time employee. Despite of not having a neuroscience or medical background he gained the skills to be part of the Orphan Drug Committee at European Medicines Agency (EMA) as patient representative. Julian is also part of the Therapeutic Advisory Group for Eurordis, the biggest organization of rare diseases in Europe. In Spain he is ambassador of the Spanish Rare Diseases Federation and member of Ciberer (Spanish Network for research on rare diseases) scientific advisory group”