
Alfredo Palacios, MSc
Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Alfredo Palacios holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the National University of Río Cuarto (UNRC) and a master's degree in economics from the National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. He has also carried out postgraduate studies in the Evaluation of Health Programs at the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico (INSP). His research interests are focused on health economics, applied microeconometrics, and impact evaluation of public policies.

He is currently coordinator of the Health Economics Unit of the Institute of Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), and he is a professor of Economics and a master’s in Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

He has been a consultant on research projects and provided technical assistance for international organizations and local government agencies such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, International Development Research Center (IDRC), Gates Foundation, World Health Organization, among others.

He has obtained awards, distinctions, and research grants from organizations such as IDRC, Health Systems Global (HSG), Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR), Research Institute Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE), Latin American Association of Economic Theory (ALTE), and the Ministry of Health of Argentina, among others.