Steve Kanters, MSc
Director of Health Analytics
Evidence Synthesis and Decision Modeling, Precision Health Economics, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Steve Kanters is the Director of Research Methods and Statistics at Precision XTract and prior that he was the Director Health Analytics of Evidence Synthesis and Decision Modeling at Precision Health Economics (PHE). He is an expert in network meta-analyses, health technology submissions, and global health research. Steve has over 10 years of experience in clinical and epidemiologic research, focusing primarily on network meta-analysis and infectious diseases. Mr. Kanters holds an MSc in Statistics from the University of British Columbia, where he is currently finishing his PhD. At PHE, Steve developed research that employed a variety of types of NMAs, from conventional, to those using empirical priors, to those using repeated measures fractional polynomials and flexible survival analysis models. He has also led numerous evidence synthesis projects, including some that have brought network meta-analyses to settings where they are seldom used. This includes an FDA submission, the first to use these methods, and the reviews used by the World Health Organization to inform their HIV and HCV clinical and operational guidelines, also a first. He has published many of his over 70 peer-reviewed publications through this work.