Praveen Thokala, MASc, PhD
Praveen Thokala
Research Fellow
School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Praveen Thokala joined the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield after completing an MASc from the University of Toronto and a PhD from the University of Southampton. 

During this time, he has completed several health economics projects including single technology appraisals (STA), multiple technology appraisals (MTA), and diagnostic assessment reports (DARs) for NICE. He has also recently led a modeling project for Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) in the US. His research interests include health economic modeling, multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), discrete event simulation modeling, and optimization. He co-supervised four PhD students to completion and currently co-supervises four PhD students. 

In terms of MCDA, he has worked with the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence  decision support unit (NICE DSU) in the UK on exploring the applicability of MCDA in HTA. He co-chaired the ISPOR Task Force on the use of MCDA in healthcare decision making and has been involved in several MCDA studies including supporting priority setting and benefit-risk analysis. He also co-edited a book titled, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to Support Healthcare Decisions