Máirín Ryan, PhD
Deputy Chief Executive and Director of HTA, Chair
Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), European Network of HTA (EUnetHTA), Dublin, Ireland
Máirín was appointed Deputy Chief Executive in September 2014. She joined HIQA as Director of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in September 2007. Prior to this appointment, Máirín was the Chief 1 Pharmacist at the National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics and previously a senior clinical pharmacist at St James’s Hospital in Dublin with responsibility for HIV clinical pharmacy services. She is an Assistant Professor in Pharmacoeconomics at Trinity College and contributes to a number of graduate and postgraduate courses across a range of institutions. She holds a doctorate from Trinity College Dublin as well as postgraduate qualifications in Health Economics and Clinical Pharmacy. Her research interests include: cost data generation in the Irish setting, determinants of health policy decision-making in Ireland, and economic evaluation of HIV interventions in the African setting.