Kevin Weinfurt, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC, USA
Kevin Weinfurt, PhD, is Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Population Health Sciences at Duke University School of Medicine, where he is a member of the Duke Center for Health Measurement. He is also a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience and a member of the Duke Clinical Research Institute. Dr. Weinfurt received his PhD in psychology from Georgetown University and did graduate work in the history of science and the philosophy of mind at Linacre College, Oxford University. Dr. Weinfurt conducts research on measuring patient-reported outcomes, medical decision making, and bioethics. Dr. Weinfurt was a Principal Investigator in the NIH PROMIS Network, where he led the development of the SexFS to measure male and female sexual function and satisfaction. He currently serves as the President of the PROMIS Health Organization and on the Board of Directors of the Society for Quality of Life Research. Dr. Weinfurt co-Chairs of the coordinating center for the NIH Health Systems Research Collaboratory and co-Chairs NIDDK’s Symptoms of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction Research Network. Dr. Weinfurt has led the analysis of PROs in multiple clinical trials, including the HF-ACTION trial (2008, JAMA), as well as other analyses of PRO endpoints in the context of trials. As an educator, Dr. Weinfurt co-Directs Duke University’s Masters-level Clinical Research Training Program and has taught undergraduate courses in introductory psychology, judgment and decision making, the psychology of medical decision making; and a graduate course in multivariate statistics. Dr. Weinfurt teaches a semester-long course on PROs for post-graduate level health professionals (mostly MDs). Dr. Weinfurt has been a lecturer on PROs for the NIH’s Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research Course, which is delivered online to over 6,000 global students annually. Dr. Weinfurt has also taught and consulted for the FDA, served on several FDA advisory panels, and has conducted focus groups of FDA biostatisticians to understand their training needs regarding PROs.