Gerd K. Rosenkranz, PhD
Professor, Applied Mathematics, Probability Theory, Statistics
Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Gerd Rosenkranz, PhD, studied Mathematics and Physics at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) and worked as a Biostatistician with the German Cancer Research Center. After having received his PhD, he was with the pharmaceutical industry for almost 30 years covering preclinical and clinical development of new therapies, mainly with Hoechst (now Sanofi-Aventis) in Frankfurt, Germany and Sandoz/Novartis in Basel, Switzerland. During his 20+ years in Novartis he led the Statistics Oncology Group, later joined the Statistical Methodology Group and became Scientific Officer Biostatistics. In the this role he was representing the statistics function in the review of clinical studies and development plans of Novartis Pharmaceuticals in cardiovascular, immunology, respiratory, neurology, among others. Since beginning of 2016 Gerd is a Visiting Professor with the Statistics Group of the Medical University of Vienna. His main professional interests are design and analysis of clinical trials, in particular missing data, subgroups, and quantitative decision making in clinical projects. He is co-Editor of Pharmaceutical Statistics.