Flora Giorgio
Head of Sector, HTA, Directorate General
Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), European Commission

Flora Giorgio is a pharmacist by training. She is heading the team on Health Technology Assessment at the European Commission in DG Health (SANTE), Unit "Medical products: quality, safety and innovation". The team is responsible for developing an EU initiative on Strengthening EU cooperation on HTA, it is providing the Secretariat to the HTA Network, set up by Article 15 of the Directive 2011/24/EU on "the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare", and oversees the activities of the Joint Action EUnetHTA.

Flora joined the European Commission in 2006 in DG Information Society and Media (Now DG CNECT) and worked as policy and project officer in the ICT for Health Unit. Within the Unit she coordinated the policy activities, including relation with Member States representatives and stakeholders, the implementation of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. She also managed several EU funded projects in the area of pharmaceuticals, patient safety and Electronic Health records. Flora Joint DG SANTE in

Before joining the European Commission Flora, was for 5 years Secretary General of the PGEU, the European Association representing Community pharmacists. Flora also worked in a community pharmacy.